Lesson 1 is about the “Feel Good Reaction”. It explains how Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) can be a win-win situation for both the giver and receiver. For this activity, students will be creating a kindness chain. Each student will write a RAK they either gave, received, or have seen in the past couple weeks. Then they write the event on a slip on paper that will be connected into a chain. See how long you can make the chain!
Lesson 2 explains how fast RAK can travel. This is shown by reading a part in the Secret Kindness Agents book by Dr. Ferial Pearson. For the activity, students will be creating their own kindness posters that will include pictures, designs, and the statement “Kindness is…” with them filling in the blank. Since I mention how technology can help spread the word, creating their own posters on the computer would be a good representation of that (if you have access to computers or other electronic devices.) Pic Collage is a great app to use for this.
Lesson 3 is about how to talk to each other in a positive and purposeful manner. The activity for this lesson is making mini booklets that includes the information covered. The video then explains how to make these booklets, how to organize it, and what to put in it. Having the booklet becomes a great resource and reminder for the students.
Lesson 4 is about diversity. It goes in-depth about the importance of accepting others and being aware of other people’s interests and values. The activity has students in small groups create a poster of “rules” or things they want to follow and remember when encountering people different than themselves. After their group poster is finished, each member should sign their name on the poster, so they can remind themselves of their goals when coming across diversity.
Lesson 5 covers how to react when being bullied and how to accept friendship changes. This activity has the students playing a game of True or False with 10 statements. They are over the information covered and are shown on the video. Students can participate by moving to different sides of the room, by show hands, or any other numerous ways.
Lesson 6 is about the impacts of RAK and is illustrated through a story from Dr. Ferial Pearson. To start this lesson there is a short reflection for the students to complete, as this is the last lesson. The activity has the students writing a short letter to someone they value and express their gratitude. The video gives ideas of what to write and explains the main parts of writing a letter.
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